Mwika Development Trust Fund (MWIDEFU)

S p a r k D e v e l o p m e n t

Public Education Project I: Tips for Parents on Education April 2, 2012

This public education project’s purpose is to give parents who have little to no education easy tips on how to help their children do better at school.

The messages emphasizes the importance of feeding children breakfast before they are sent off to school, as hungry children can’t concentrate, can’t learn.

To help busy mothers, particularly those who milk their cows in the morning, we suggest many locally consumed foods that could be set aside the previous night without worry of spoilage, foods that can be eaten cold. Rather than sending a child to school hungry.

These messages were enthusiastically received by the community. MWIDEFU and theRotary  Club intends to continue to take the word out to ever widening circles to touch every corner of the 10 villages that make up Mwika so that these messages will become common knowledge.


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